Hollow Composite vs Solid Core Composite Deck Boards: Choosing the Right Option

Learn about the differences between hollow and solid core composite deck boards to choose the right option for your project. Explore their composition, weight, strength, durability, and more.

3 min read

When it comes to decking materials, composite boards have become increasingly popular due to their durability, low maintenance requirements, and aesthetic appeal. However, within the realm of composite decking, there are two primary types: hollow composite and solid core composite boards. Understanding the differences between these options is crucial for making an informed decision about which type best suits your needs. In this article, we'll delve into the distinctions between hollow composite and solid core composite deck boards to help you choose the right option for your deck project.

four gray loungers near pool
four gray loungers near pool

1. Composition and Structure

Hollow Composite Deck Boards

Hollow composite deck boards are characterized by their hollow core construction, which results in a lightweight and economical option. These boards typically feature a honeycomb-like internal structure that reduces weight without compromising strength. While hollow composite boards may feel less substantial underfoot, they offer excellent resistance to moisture, mold, and mildew.

Solid Core Composite Deck Boards

Solid core composite deck boards, on the other hand, feature a dense, solid construction throughout the entire board. This results in a heavier and more substantial feel compared to hollow boards. Solid core composite boards are engineered to provide enhanced strength, durability, and stability, making them ideal for areas with heavy foot traffic or where additional structural support is required.

2. Weight and Handling

Hollow Composite Deck Boards

Due to their hollow core design, hollow composite deck boards are significantly lighter than their solid core counterparts. This makes them easier to handle and install, especially for DIY enthusiasts or projects where weight is a concern. Additionally, the lightweight nature of hollow boards may facilitate faster installation and reduce labor costs.

Solid Core Composite Deck Boards

Solid core composite deck boards are denser and heavier than hollow boards, which can make handling and installation more challenging, particularly for larger projects or when working with limited manpower. However, the added weight contributes to the overall stability and durability of solid core boards, making them a preferred choice for high-traffic areas or commercial applications.

3. Strength and Durability

Hollow Composite Deck Boards

Despite their lightweight construction, hollow composite deck boards are engineered to provide robust performance and long-term durability. The internal honeycomb structure enhances strength and rigidity while minimizing the risk of warping, splitting, or cracking. Additionally, hollow boards offer excellent resistance to moisture, rot, and insect damage, making them suitable for outdoor use in various climates.

Solid Core Composite Deck Boards

Solid core composite deck boards are renowned for their exceptional strength, durability, and resistance to wear and tear. The solid construction throughout the entire board ensures maximum stability and longevity, even in harsh environmental conditions. Solid core boards are less prone to flexing or sagging, making them an ideal choice for supporting heavy loads or furniture on the deck surface.

Conclusion: Making an Informed Choice

In conclusion, both hollow composite and solid core composite deck boards offer unique advantages and considerations depending on your specific needs and preferences. While hollow boards are lightweight, economical, and resistant to moisture, solid core boards provide superior strength, durability, and stability. By understanding the differences between these options, you can confidently select the right type of composite deck boards for your project, ensuring a beautiful and long-lasting outdoor space for years to come.

the shadow of a person standing on a wooden deck
the shadow of a person standing on a wooden deck

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. Are hollow composite deck boards prone to sagging or flexing over time?

Hollow composite deck boards are engineered to resist sagging and flexing, thanks to their internal honeycomb structure. However, proper installation and support are essential to minimize any potential issues.

2. Can solid core composite deck boards be installed directly on the ground?

While solid core composite deck boards are highly durable, it is recommended to install them on a proper substructure, such as joists or sleepers, to ensure adequate support and ventilation.

3. Do hollow composite deck boards require special maintenance?

Hollow composite deck boards are designed to be low maintenance, requiring periodic cleaning with mild soap and water to remove dirt and debris. However, it's essential to follow the manufacturer's guidelines for proper care and maintenance.

4. Can solid core composite deck boards be painted or stained?

Solid core composite deck boards typically come pre-finished with a protective coating that resists fading, staining, and scratching. While they can be painted or stained, it's generally not necessary and may void the warranty.

5. Are hollow composite deck boards environmentally friendly?

Hollow composite deck boards are often made from recycled materials, making them a sustainable choice for eco-conscious consumers. Additionally, their lightweight design reduces transportation energy and carbon emissions during manufacturing and installation.